Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy aims to help You understand how We collect, use and disclose the information that pertains to Your privacy and apprise You of how the law protects You when You exercise Your privacy rights by using Our Service.

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve Our Services, and Velorom LTD is devoted to maintaining sturdy privacy protections for its users. Using this Site and Our Service means You signify Your acceptance of Our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions (here) and consent to Our collection and use of Your information per this Privacy Policy.

Velorom LTD will not sell, purchase, provide, exchange or in any other manner disclose Account or Transaction data, or personal information of or about a Cardholder to anyone, except, it’s Acquirer, Visa/Mastercard Corporations or in response to valid government demands.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words that have their first letter in capitals have meanings for this Privacy Policy, and definitions will carry the same connotation regardless of whether the words appear singular or plural.


For this contract,

  • Account refers to a unique record You create on the site to gain full or partial access to Our Service.
  • Company (mentioned as either “the Company”, “Our”, “We”, or “Us” in this Contract) refers to Velorom LTD.
  • Cookies are minor files that contain the details of Your browsing history for a particular Website. They are stored on Your PC or mobile device whenever You visit that Website.
  • Country denotes Bulgaria.
  • Device represents an electronic instrument that can access the Service, like Your computer, cell phone or mobile tablet.
  • Personal Data relates to information that is particular to a given individual.
  • Service indicates the Website.
  • Service Provider means the legal entity that processes data on behalf of the Company. The Service Provider may be a third-party company or group of individuals hired by Us to enable and provide the Service on the Company’s behalf and assist in analysing how the Service is Used.
  • Usage Data pertains to data collected automatically. The data are generated either by the Use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself when analysing the duration of a page visit.
  • Website represents Velorom LTD, accessible through
  • You’ refers to You, the individual accessing the Company Service or any legal establishment on behalf of whom the individual is accessing the Service.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

As You Use Our Website, we may require certain personally identifiable information that We can Use to identify or contact You. This information consists of, but is not limited to:

Usage Data

Using the Service automatically activates the collection of Usage Data.

Usage Data comprises information such as Your Device’s browser type and version, Internet Protocol (IP) address, unique device identifiers, the pages of Our site that You visit, the time and date of Your visit and how long You spend on those pages, and other diagnostics data.

When You use Our Service with a mobile Device, we will have access to and may collect certain information automatically. This information includes Your mobile device type, operating system, browser type, Your device’s unique ID and the IP address.

We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit Our Service or when You access the Service Using a mobile device.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

Velorom LTD uses cookies and related tracking technologies to monitor and track the activity on the Service and store certain information. We utilise beacons, tags and scripts as tracking technologies to track and collect information, analyse and improve Our Service functions. Our tracking technology includes the Use of:

  • Browser Cookies; A cookie is a short line of text that is stored in Your device’s drive when You access a Website. You can configure Your browser to reject all cookies or notify You when a cookie is being sent. However, disabling cookies will limit Your Use of our Service. Unless You manually disabled cookies in Your browser, Our Service may Use browser cookies.
  • Flash Cookies; Flash cookies are locally stored files on Your Device and certain features on Our Service may Use flash cookies to collect and store information about Your activity or preferences on the Service. Flash Cookies are not managed by the same browser settings as Browser Cookies. For more information on how to manage and delete Flash Cookies, please read this.
  • Web Beacons; Select segments of Our Service and emails may incorporate minute electronic files known as Web beacons, more commonly known as clear GIFs, pixel tags, and single-pixel GIFs. Web beacons allow the Company to, for example, keep track of the number of times a User has logged on to Our Web pages or opened an email and other Website-related statistics, say, authenticating server and system integrity and documenting the site traffic/popularity of a certain segment.

Cookies can either be Persistent or Session by type.

Persistent Cookies remain on Your PC or mobile device even after You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted immediately after You close Your Web browser. Click here to learn about cookies in detail.

We at Velorom LTD may Use both Persistent and Session Cookies for the following rationales:

  • Necessary or Essential Cookies

Type: Session Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: They are crucial in providing You with Website-exclusive Services and full access to some of its features. Session Cookies are needed to verify Users and counteract the duplicitous Use of their accounts.

We Use these cookies solely to render Our Services, and without them, the services You require cannot be provided.

  • Cookies Policy or Notice Acceptance Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: They detect whether Users have accepted the Use of cookies on Our Website through their Device.

  • Functionality Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies

Administered by: Us

Purpose: These are the cookies responsible for the retention of a User’s information and preferences on the site, such as their login details and preferred language.

The role of Functionality Cookies is to give You a personalized experience and save You the hassle of having to re-enter Your preferences every time You visit the site.

Please visit Our Cookies Policy page or browse through the Cookies section of this Privacy Policy to know more about the cookies We Use and Your options regarding them.

Use of Your Personal Data

Except as otherwise mentioned in this Privacy Policy, we do not trade, rent, or share for promotion purposes Your Personal Information with a third party without Your approval.

Our Company may Use Your Personal Information for the following motives:

  • To provide, maintain and improve Our Service; including monitoring Our Service Users.
  • To manage Your Account: As a registered User, all the different functionalities of Our Service are available at Your disposal through Your Personal Data, and We are responsible for managing any Account registered with Us.
  • For the execution of a contract: Processing Your Personal Data is fundamental for the performance of a contract and the subsequent purchase of products and Services through Our Service.
  • To contact You: We Use Your information to reach You via telephone calls, SMS, email, and other related methods of electronic communication, e.g., through push notifications concerning updates on the mobile application, to notify You about added functionalities, contractual goods and Services, and security patches and updates where necessary.
  • To keep You updated on special offers, news and events, and general information about goods and Services that are similar to materials You have previously purchased or enquired about. You have the option to unsubscribe to such notifications and promotional communications.
  • To attend to and manage Your requests.
  • For business transfers: As an active concern or due to bankruptcy, liquidation or proceedings of a comparable nature, We may conduct a merger, restructuring, reorganization or divestiture of all or a portion of Our assets. If We undergo such a business transaction, the Personal Data of Users on Our Service may be among the transferred assets, and You consent to the acquirer of said assets processing Your Personal Information as stated in this Privacy Policy.
  • For other purposes: We may Use Your provided information to analyse data, identify Usage trends, determine the efficacy of Our online marketing campaigns, and assess and improve Our Service and Users’ overall experience.

We may divulge Your Personal Information in the following circumstances:

  • With Affiliates: The Company may share Your information with its affiliates, in which case the affiliates will be mandated to respect this Privacy Policy. Affiliates could be Our parent company and its subsidiaries, joint venture partners or companies under Our administration.
  • With Service Providers: We may share Your Personal Information with allied Service providers to track and analyse the Use of Our Service, or to contact You.
  • With business partners: To offer You certain products, Services or promotions, We may need to share some of Your information with Our business partners.
  • With other Users: When You interact with other Users in the public sections of the Service, Users may view Your displayed information and distribute it publicly.
  • With Your permission: We may divulge personal information for any other purpose, but with Your express consent.

Retention of Your Personal Data

Velorom LTD will hold Your personal information only for as long as is needed, for the purposes specified in this Agreement. We will keep and handle Your Personal Data as necessary to comply with Our legal bindings and applicable laws, resolve disputes and legally enforce our policies and agreements.

We will also retain Your Usage Data for statistical and analytical purposes within our Service. We Usually retain Usage Data for short periods, apart from when We Use it to bolster Our Service’s cyber security and improve its functionality or are legally duty-bound to withhold this data for longer.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

All personally related User information is processed at Our operating offices and wherever else Our processing staff is located. This implies that Personal Information may be maintained on and transferred to computer systems that are located outside of Your state, province, or jurisdiction where data protection laws may vary.

Your submission of such information represents Your consent to this transfer and the settings of this Privacy Policy.

Velorom LTD will take the necessary steps to guarantee that Your data is secure and in line with this Privacy Policy. No portions of Your Personal Data shall be transferred to an organization or jurisdiction without the proper controls in implementation, including the security of Your Personal Data and other related information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Business Transactions

Your personal information may be transferred if the Company is the focus of a merger or acquisition or asset sale. We will alert You promptly before Your Personal Data is transferred and made subject to a changed Privacy Policy.

Law Enforcement

The Company may be ordered to divulge Your Personal Information under certain circumstances, either by law or a valid warrant by public government authorities. Authorities could be the court or a government agency.

Other Legal Requirements

Our Company may disclose Your Personal Information in good faith and a strong belief that such action is required to:

  • Protect and defend the property and rights of the Company.
  • Shield against legal liability.
  • Comply with legal responsibility.
  • Avoid or investigate probable misconduct in connection with Our Service.
  • Ensure the personal safety of Our Service Users or the public.

Security of Your Personal Data

We take Your personal information seriously. While We endeavour to employ commercially suitable methods to protect Your Personal Data, please be aware that We cannot guarantee its complete safety because no means of electronic storage or transmission over the Internet is 100% fail-safe.

Children’s Privacy

Our Website and Service are not intended for any individual under the age of thirteen (13), Velorom LTD does not knowingly solicitfor or collect privacy information from anyone under the age of 13, nor do We permit minors to sign up for the Service. Should We discover that We have collated Personal Data from any individual whose age is below the minimum requirement and without the consent of a parent/guardian, that information is deleted with immediate effect from Our servers.

If You believe that We have gathered any such information, please reach out to Us at

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to other pages or Websites that are not managed by Us. Clicking on a third-party link redirects You to their Website. You should carefully review the Privacy Policy of any site You visit because We have no control or supervision over any third-party Websites or Services that they provide. Thus, we assume zero accountability for the third-party sites’ content, practices and privacy policies.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We at Velorom LTD reserve the right to alter this Privacy Policy at Our discretion. If any significant change(s) are made to Our Policy, we will inform You by sending a notice to Your registered email address, or putting a conspicuous notice on Our Service. Significant alterations will be effective thirty (30) days after the notification, while minor changes or clarifications will set in proximately.

We advise You to make periodic checks of this policy for any updates.

Contact Us

Please refer any inquiries or questions You may have regarding Our Privacy Policy, or how the Service operates via email to


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